heat hair styling

Discover the essential dos and don'ts of heat styling your hair to create stunning hairstyles while keeping their locks healthy and vibrant.

Whether you are a styling expert or a novice in the world of hair care, heat styling is a crucial skill to master. From the sizzling straighteners to the curling tongs that twist your locks into beachy waves, each tool has its role in shaping your desired look. However, mishandled, these hot tools can potentially damage your hair and lead to dry, brittle locks. 

Let’s dive into the dos and don'ts of heat styling your hair to help you achieve fabulous, yet healthy styles.

DO: Use Heat Protectant, DON’T: Skip This Step

Think of heat protectants as the sunscreen for your hair. Just as you wouldn't step out into the sun without skin protection, don't expose your hair to heat styling without applying a layer of defense. Heat protectants form a shield that lowers the potential damage from high temperatures. These products contain silicones that cover the hair surface, making it less porous and hence less prone to frizz and breakage.

This principle applies even when you're using HD lace wigs. Heat protectants can help maintain the integrity of these wigs, which are known for their seamless blend with the scalp. You wouldn't want your gorgeous wig to suffer heat damage, would you?

DO: Select The Right Heat Level, DON’T: Crank Up The Heat Unnecessarily

While it may be tempting to turn up the heat to the highest setting for quick results, this can lead to significant hair damage. The ideal heat setting largely depends on your hair type. 

Fine hair needs less heat (below 300°F), while thick or coarse hair may need a bit more (between 300 and 350°F). However, never exceed 400°F, as it can severely damage both natural hair and hair extensions.

hair straightener styling toolhair straightener styling tool

DO: Regularly Clean Your Tools, DON’T: Neglect This Maintenance Step

Styling products can leave residue on your tools over time, which can burn and stick to your hair during heat styling. Regularly cleaning your tools helps ensure that they work effectively and that you're not unintentionally damaging your hair with burned product residue.

DO: Invest In Quality Tools, DON’T: Settle For Cheap Equipment

High-quality heat styling tools may be an investment, but they're worth every penny. Cheap tools may not have consistent heat settings and could have surfaces that snag or break the hair. In contrast, high-quality tools often come with ceramic or tourmaline plates that distribute heat evenly, reducing the risk of heat damage.

DO: Take Regular Breaks, DON’T: Over-Style Your Hair

If you're someone who uses heat styling tools every day, your hair might be crying out for a break. 

Over-styling can lead to cumulative damage, making hair dry, brittle, and lackluster. Try to incorporate heat-free days into your week and explore heatless styling methods that can give your hair a much-needed rest.

DO: Keep Your Hair Hydrated, DON’T: Underestimate The Power Of Moisture

Heat styling can sap moisture from your hair, leaving it dry and vulnerable to damage. Maintain your hair's health by incorporating a deep conditioning treatment into your routine. Look for products containing hydrating ingredients like argan oil, shea butter, or coconut oil, and use them at least once a week. 

This will help replenish the moisture lost from heat styling and keep your hair looking shiny and healthy.


Heat styling can transform your hair, giving you the freedom to experiment with a wide array of hairstyles. However, it is vital to approach this method with caution and knowledge. By keeping in mind the dos and don'ts we’ve laid out, you can make sure you're doing everything possible to protect your hair or your HD lace wig from potential damage.

Remember, your hair is a reflection of your health and care. It deserves to be treated with love and respect.