Taking Selfie Tips

Rock that Selfie

June 21st  is National Selfie Day, and what better way to celebrate than by learning how to take the perfect selfie?  It’s a day to celebrate jewelry, accessories and, of course, selfies! Whether you're snapping a pic of yourself or your squad, make sure you're rocking your favorite jewelry.  Don't have any accessories? No problem! Just grab some from PinktownUSA. We've got everything you need to make the perfect selfie. Whether you're Snapchatting your new look or just trying to capture a cute moment with your friends, these tips will help you snap like a pro and capture your best self.

What is National Selfie Day?

National Selfie Day is a day for people all over the world to celebrate the selfie! The date was first created in 2014 by DJ Rick McNeely, and has since become an annual event. On this day, people are encouraged to take as many selfies as they can and share them with their friends and followers. Whether it's a selfie with your best friend, your pet, or just a solo shot, National Selfie Day is all about celebrating self-love and having fun! The idea behind the holiday is that by taking and sharing selfies, we can celebrate our individual beauty and uniqueness.  So get out there and start snapping away!

Top Selfie Poses and Lighting

If you're looking for some selfie inspiration, you've come to the right place. With a little bit of planning, anyone can take a stunning photo of themselves. The key is to find the right pose and lighting. Here are a few ideas to get you started: 

For a classic headshot, try facing the sun and tilting your chin down slightly. This will give you a nice, even light. If you want something more dramatic, try backlighting yourself by standing in front of a window. The light will outline your silhouette and create a beautiful effect. If you're taking a full-body shot, try standing at an angle to the camera. This will help to slim down your figure and create a more flattering image. For an even more flattering look, try placing one leg in front of the other and placing your weight on your back foot. This will give you a lovely curve to your body. The right lighting is also key for taking a great selfie. Natural light is always best, so try to take your photo near a window or outdoors. If you're inside, avoid using flash, as this can create harsh shadows on your face. Instead, try to find a well-lit spot where there's no direct sunlight coming in. This will give you a softer, more flattering light. Finally, don't forget about the background! A busy background can be distracting, so try to find somewhere with a plain wall or an interesting texture. You can also use props to add interest to your photo - think flowers, hats, or even cute animals. Just make sure they don't steal the show

Finding the Perfect Location

First, try heading to your local park or nature reserve. There's nothing like a few trees or some flowers in the background to really make your selfie pop. Just make sure you're not blocking any walkways! Second, urban areas can actually make great locations for selfies. Think about it: interesting architecture, street art, and people watching can all make for some great selfie opportunities. Just be careful not to get too close to moving traffic. Finally, don't forget that your own home can be a great place to take a selfie. After all, there's no one who knows you better than yourself! So go ahead and strike a pose in front of the bathroom mirror or in your favorite spot in the living room. With a little creativity, you're sure to find the perfect location for that perfect selfie.

Jewelry and Accessories for the Perfect Selfie

When it comes to taking the perfect selfie, jewelry and accessories can make all the difference. A statement necklace can add a touch of glamor, while a playful pair of earrings can show off your personality. And of course, no selfie is complete without the perfect cat eye. But with so many choices available, how do you know which pieces are right for you? Here are a few tips to help you get started. First, take stock of your personal style. Are you more edgy or classic? Boho or girly? Once you have a better sense of your aesthetic, it will be easier to find pieces that compliment your look. Second, consider the occasion. A night out on the town calls for something different than a casual day at the office. Choose jewelry and accessories that will fit the mood and setting of your photo. And lastly, don't be afraid to experiment. Selfies are all about having fun and expressing yourself, so don't be afraid to try new things. With these tips in mind, you're sure to take the perfect selfie every time.

Post your selfie on social media with the hashtag #nationalselfieday

Sure, some people might say that posting a selfie is vain or self-indulgent. But on National Selfie Day, we say screw those haters! This is a day to celebrate you and your awesomeness, so why not snap a pic and share it with the world? Besides, there’s nothing wrong with a little self-love. In fact, studies have shown that taking and sharing selfies can actually boost your self-esteem. So go ahead and post that #nationalselfieday pic with pride! Who knows, you might even make someone else’s day in the process.

Whether you’re a selfie pro or just starting out, we hope these tips will help you take your selfies to the next level. So grab your phone, put on your favorite outfit and accessories and snap away! And don’t forget to tag us in your best selfies on social media using #nationalselfieday. We can’t wait to see them. Happy National Selfie Day, everyone!