instagram fashion

How Fashion Brands are using Instagram

Like many other industries, the fashion industry is undergoing a dynamic shift in how it markets itself to the public. Traditional forms of advertisement, such as print and television commercials, have become less effective in reaching customers. As such, brands must look for new ways to engage with potential customers and create brand loyalty. Instagram has emerged as one of the most popular platforms used to advertise in the fashion industry. It provides a platform for brands to showcase their latest collections and campaigns, create visual storytelling, interact with customers, establish relationships with influencers and build brand loyalty.

Amy Smilovic

We will look at Amy Smilovic, a designer who successfully pivoted her brand to adapt to the new advertising age. As well as different ways to advertise your product through Instagram and get the most for your brand.

Look at Amy Smilovic and what she did to keep her brand alive while the fashion industry changed gears. Amy’s brand was over-merchandised, focused heavily on print, a contemporary label that relied on Lucky. Lucky was Instagram before Instagram; it was a place where they offered trustworthy advice on where and what to buy. One photo piece in there would sell out that item. After Lucky was no more, Amy had to figure out a way to advertise her brand, and that is when she turned to Instagram. Her brand turned into something more design-driven, and her style with her personality was woven into it. Instagram helped her survive in the new era of fashion advertising, but how she used it is what really helped her. Amy, at first, knew to use the power influencers had and had them spread awareness of her new brand. Once comfortable with the app, she then started posting different outfits she wore, other brands, and how they looked mixed with her own line and offered styling and business advice. Her ability to adapt to her new environment helped her keep her brand from disappearing. 

Amy was a great example of how Instagram can be used in the fashion industry. There are other ways to use it to your advantage, though. Before, brands could get one celebrity to go out and wear one of their outfits, and most likely, it would sell out those items. The problem with that is now people are constantly being fed new information. Many see multiple brands and outfits a day. A way to get consumers to look at your product is to have influencers use your product and have them build a story around that product. Don’t just post a staged photo and say there’s a new item. There has to be a reason for consumers to stop and pay attention to the product. Building a story and capturing their interest is a great way to get them to stop and check out your brand.

insta fashion designerinsta fashion designer

Instagram Marketing

Instagram has become an invaluable tool for marketing fashion products and campaigns. Brands can use visual storytelling to create engaging content that resonates with customers on a deeper level than a simple advertisement. Visual storytelling allows brands to showcase their products and create an emotional connection between the brand and its followers by emphasizing lifestyle elements such as music, art, and culture. This helps build brand loyalty by making customers feel more connected to the company on a personal level. 

Another way you can use Instagram is by connecting with the community there. In the past, designer profiles were a big deal that was looked at by everyone. Now designer Instagram accounts are what bring in consumers. Celebrities are using Instagram to connect and be closer to their fans. They can interact with and get direct feedback from them in real-time. Brands should follow suit as well. Instagram is a great platform to communicate directly with consumers and get their opinions on your brand. People love genuine and honest brands that listen to their customers. The more you pay attention to what they say, the more successful your brand will be. This was a major component of why Amy’s switch to Instagram was so successful because she communicated directly with the public. Although sometimes difficult to build a community from nothing, it can be an incredibly helpful tool once that community is established. Brands can use Instagram Stories, polls, and other interactive features to get instant feedback from customers about their products or services. This direct interaction can help create a connection between the customer and the brand that is difficult to achieve with traditional forms of advertising. 

The rise of social media has changed many aspects of the fashion industry, including its approach to advertising and marketing. Instagram has become one of the leading platforms used by fashion companies looking for new ways to engage with potential customers and build relationships with them. Through visual storytelling, direct customer interaction, and collaborations with influencers, fashion companies can reach more people than ever - all while creating meaningful connections that could turn into lifelong customers!

instagram storyinstagram story