woman holding fork in front table eating healthy

Explore actionable tips, including dietary choices and lifestyle adjustments, to bolster your immune system

The human immune system is the last line of defense from diseases and infections against harmful microorganisms that constantly threaten the body. Strengthening it is imperative to ensure your health is in good shape. But how do you maintain your immune system?

Studies have shown that about 70% to 80% of immune cells are in the gut, making the gut microbe an essential player in determining its strength. That means what you eat or drink vastly determines whether or not your immune system is potent enough to fend off diseases and infections. However, you can do more than munch on your food the right way.

Diseases and infections may be your daily adversity if you've struggled with a weak immune system. Therefore, this article comes in handy, providing tips to help improve your immune system to stay consistently healthy.

Understanding the Immune System and its Functions

The immune system is an intricate network of tissues, organs, and cells that harmoniously work together to create a barrier against infections and harmful germs from entering the body. These germs, including harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi, can cause compromising diseases and illnesses. Several ways to improve the immune system exist, including using astaxanthin products, taking immune-supporting foods, and staying active.

 healthy young boy standing near dock flexing arms healthy young boy standing near dock flexing arms

How to Strengthen Your Immune System 

Despite being weak, your immune system can return to being as potent as it used to be, protecting your body from germs that may lead to unwanted infections. Below are ways to improve your immune system.

1. Take Supplements 

Supplements can significantly improve your immune system—you only need to understand the best picks. Supplements containing vitamins C, E, and B6 can give your immune system a shot at protecting your body from germ entry. Besides, supplements that contain astaxanthin, such as Astaxantina, can help improve your immune system. Additionally, incorporating moringa supplements into your routine can provide a natural boost to your immune system, thanks to its rich nutrient profile and immune-boosting properties.

Astaxantina is an immune-boosting supplement containing pure astaxanthin that prevents photoaging, improves your eye health, and safeguards your central nervous system. The supplement primarily works against free radicals and inflammation in the body to boost your immune system. However, this supplement is among the numerous options to help keep your immune system in check.

2. Stay Physically Active 

Exercising keeps the metabolism active, raising body temperature, which may prevent bacteria growth and allow your body to address an infection efficiently. Although it's only a half-proven theory, it still holds ground because it mimics a similar principle on how a fever works after an illness. Higher body temperatures resulting in a fever during an infection help prevent infections.

Exercise also decreases the risk of diabetes and heart disease, among other compromising health conditions. Besides, it stimulates cellular immunity that contributes to a better immune system and allows you to alleviate stress. These dynamics all contribute to a healthier immune system, keeping you healthy.

women running to stay healthywomen running to stay healthy

3. Take a Balanced Diet and Make Wise Food Choices 

"You become what you eat" is a statement rooted profoundly in science. What you eat determines your health, especially your immunity and your body's resilience when fighting diseases. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants all positively contribute to your body's natural defense.

Ensure your diet mainly consists of vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Besides, add more fruits and healthy fats to supplement your body with sufficient Omega-3 fatty acids. Making wise food choices and minding your eating habits can positively contribute to a healthy immune system.

4. Sleep Sufficiently 

Sleep may directly impact your immune system proportionally. Therefore, please ensure you hit the sack for at least 7 to 9 hours each night. Inadequate sleep can decrease the production of immune cells, including white blood cells essential in fighting infections and disease-causing microorganisms.

Lack of sleep may impair the function of T cells and natural killer cells, among other immune cells, compromising their effectiveness in suppressing pathogens. You also may get your body inflamed if you sleep less than the body requires, making it more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

man smoking a cigaretteman smoking a cigarette

5. Quit Smoking and Avoid Drinking Alcohol Excessively 

Smoking may be an indulgence to many, but you might want to kick it down a notch if you're deep into it to protect your immune system. Drinking alcohol also suppresses your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections and disease attacks. Quitting smoking and minimizing your alcohol consumption can come in handy, allowing your fully-fledged immune system to fortify your body's defenses.

Smoking introduces harmful chemicals into your body, inflames your lungs and airways, and weakens cilia, making your immune system frail. Besides, excessive alcohol consumption also causes liver damage and interferes with your body's ability to absorb essential nutrients that build your immune system.

6. Get More Social

Social interactions provide much-needed emotional support to get you through stressful situations. Besides, the mental stimulation that comes with it stimulates the mind, allowing better immune responses. Science also states that interacting with different people can expose you to other microbes, enabling familiarity and training your body to prepare better.

Therefore, try participating in social groups and spend more time with family and friends. You can also get yourself a furry friend for some company to keep your stress levels below threatening levels. Being more social and creating a network of people you can run to when under the megrims may significantly boost your immune response.

Final Thoughts

The immune system protects your body against disease-causing infections and pathogens. However, it can grow weaker with certain habits, leaving you vulnerable to pathogen attacks. The good thing is that you can protect or build it to be more robust, keeping your health in good shape.