email graphic man holding cell phone

Explore the nuances of Klaviyo email marketing campaings

For most companies, bulletins and sales promotions are the initial concepts that spring to mind when considering an email marketing strategy. 

Even though these are crucial parts of any brand's marketing strategy, sending only two kinds of emails will bore your readers and eventually lead to the demise of your contact list. On top of that, when you stop to consider it, every business sends out newsletters and sales promos. Instead of only exchanging information, the brand and audience should form a bond. 

Among the most effective methods of fostering brand loyalty are email and SMS marketing campaigns. What customers want is an engaging, informative, and uniquely tailored experience—not simply a discount. Put another way, they are looking to develop a more meaningful connection with you, and they believe that the best way to do this is by quick, direct communication. 

Email marketing is far more versatile than most firms realize. To assist you in launching your first campaign, we have included a few steps.

Creating a Klaviyo Campaign

Klaviyo is a marketing automation tool that automates email and SMS marketing. Before we get into the email campaign types you should be sending, let's review some best practices in Klaviyo. 

A certain demographic will get your email campaign, which may take the form of a newsletter, a sales notice, or promotional materials. A Klaviyo campaign design expert may schedule a campaign to go out later or send it out right now.

1. Get Things Started

There are two steps you must do before you may compose and send an email:

Gather all of your contacts. Is it going to be sent to everyone on your contact list? If a segmented list yields better results, then it will be sent to that. 

Make first blueprints. You and your team of writers and designers may save a ton of time by using these for future campaigns. 

There, you may access Klaviyo, where you can build your email campaign. You will be prompted to choose your recipients, compose text, evaluate it, and send it once you begin. 

laptop open with email marketing klaviyolaptop open with email marketing klaviyo

2. Pick Out Who Will Get What

Enter the name of your campaign, the recipients' email addresses, and the email delivery method on the initial screen of Klaviyo's campaign wizard.

It is critical to know who will get this email. It needs to zero in on the subsets of the population that will get the most out of the promotion. Various characteristics can be used for segmentation, including demographics, contacts who have bought similar things, and more. 

Keep in mind that the consumer wants a tailored experience; hence, sending them irrelevant information could hurt their loyalty to the company. You should consider a plan to increase your contact list if you do not already have one. 

3. Select the most appropriate email marketing platforms

You may build and send emails to a list of addresses using an email marketing platform, sometimes called an email marketing service, an email service provider (ESP), or a customer relationship management program (CRM).

Templates, automated email flows, lists, segmentation, and marketing campaigns are just a few of the capabilities that come standard with most modern email marketing solutions.

email campaign graphicemail campaign graphic

4. Identify your target demographics and tailor your content to them

There is no one you are marketing to if you try to please everyone. Your email marketing campaigns will be more effective if you use demographic, regional, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation to properly identify your target audience.

Before sending out mass emails, figure out the details necessary to make them unique. You ought to be requesting it from your clients.

“Consider what sort of information you need to tailor your emails," advises Carson McComas. Customers should be asked for that. You get the picture: skin issues, stages of pregnancy, shoe sizes, fitness objectives, etc. Address clients on a personal level.

5. Make each email unique

Repeatedly, email segmentation-based personalization outperforms email blasts. Who you are as a business is reflected in it. Besides, customers already feeling overloaded are less likely to dread your emails and more inclined to take action if you offer them a positive, memorable experience.

Overwhelmed consumers are less likely to ignore your emails and more inclined to take action if you can offer them a positive, memorable experience.

One of the greatest methods to reach your top drivers, brand fanatics, and high rollers is through personalization, according to studies. "To keep that relationship going, ensure you're providing them with a good experience."

woman on laptop checking emailwoman on laptop checking email

Create distinct groups of subscribers and buyers according to:

-Things they've bought previously
-Generally speaking, what stage of your sales funnel they are in (e.g., first-time buyer, just looking, repeat customer)
-Geographical regions
-Specifically targeted, third-party data collected through online questionnaires, quizzes, and forms

There are many other ways to divide up your target demographic. The material is already very tailored in a 1:many sense in these cases since you are developing a bespoke message for that particular section.

After that, you may add even more personalized touches to the email to make it feel more personal, like:

-The initials of the customers
-Recommendations of items to buyers based on their past purchases
-Contact during the customer's peak activity and responsiveness (which may vary by time zone).
-Momentous occasions, such as a customer's birthday, the anniversary of their initial purchase from your business, or significant regional holidays

In the end!

With only a few clicks, you can make beautiful, custom templates with the help of the high-tech Klaviyo editor. Insights like these should help you get the most out of this potent instrument. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started with your Klaviyo campaign.