Business owner sitting at her desk stressed

Discover essential strategies for managing stress as a business owner

Running your own successful company is something to be incredibly proud of. Not everyone can do it, after all – you have to manage your own schedule while keeping on top of the market, ensuring your product meets the current trending needs. Inevitably, stress will mount from time to time, whether that’s because of a low-profit month or dealing with demanding clients. For some, that stress can grow out of control, leaving you feeling entirely overwhelmed.

Most business owners cannot afford to succumb to burnout, especially smaller business owners who cannot entirely rely on their employees. That’s why it’s so important to know how to manage stress when push comes to shove. If you’re a business owner who feels at the end of their tether, this article is for you.

Avoid Over-committing

It’s easy to say “yes” to everything and anything in the moment, especially when making promising business relationships. Unfortunately, your schedule can only take so much, so learn to say no more often. Be a little more selective with what you take on, ensuring it’s actually beneficial and profitable, and say no to the proposals that will simply take too much time or stress.

Build a Reliable Team

As a business owner, one of your main goals is to build a reliable team that can handle all the business’s daily processes, whether that’s managing the website, handling customer service, or creating a marketing strategy. It’s not just so that the company becomes more profitable (although that is part of it); it’s also to alleviate the amount of work placed on you. By having a trustworthy team of employees who run the business like clockwork, you won’t feel as overwhelmed – as though you are the sole person who can run things.

Take a Break

Taking just a few short days to yourself can make a world of difference when it comes to stress. You could spend those days relaxing on a beach in your favorite vacation spot, or you could simply spend some time at home, enjoying the quiet for a short while.

Of course, there must be rules for this break. While it’s probably too much to say you cannot look at your phone at all, you should make a deal with yourself that you don’t handle any business matters during the break. Leave someone you trust in charge so that they can handle anything that happens while you get to enjoy some time of pure relaxation.

Treat Your Stress

If stress has become part of your life, it’s time to think about treating it for the sake of your own mental health as well as the business. Mental health is just as important as physical health, so don’t hesitate to see a professional if you feel it’s all becoming too much.

There are many ways to treat stress, too, so you can look into methods that work for you. If you have problems with anxiety or depression, a therapy retreat program could be ideal, helping you to manage your mental health problems. One good example is DaydreamMD at, a place that specializes in using ketamine and psychedelics as medicine alongside other therapies. With research pointing towards the excellence of these treatments, it could be the launching pad that allows you to tackle your stress and become more in control of your mental wellness.

Focus On Your Physical Health

Leading an unhealthy lifestyle will only lead to increased stress. That’s why it’s so important to maintain a good fitness regime and eat a healthy diet. See it as an essential part of your schedule. Perhaps you could hit the gym before heading in to work each morning, or you could pursue an out-of-work hobby that involves a lot of activity, such as tennis or hiking.

It’s incredible how much better you will feel if you exercise well and eat right. While it won’t treat the core reasons behind your stress, it will help you manage those stressors much better.

Stay Organized

You can’t run a business well if you don’t stay organized. Not only will your business suffer, but you’ll also feel far more overwhelmed. Staying organized doesn’t have to be complicated – little things like writing lists, setting reminders, and focusing on overarching goals can make a big difference. Having a clean and tidy office space is a good idea, too! Once you’re organized, it’ll be much easier to manage everything, and, in turn, you won’t feel so stressed.

Stress can take over your whole life. The last thing you want is to feel overwhelmed while at work and then take that stress home. With the above advice, you will better handle the inevitable challenges that come from owning a company. You’ve got this!