man wearing traditional kilt

Explore the timeless tradition of kilts for men

Because of the kilt's long history, which stretches back to the 16th century, wearing one is linked to certain behavioral standards. The modern kilt is around a century old, and over that time, not much has changed in terms of style. If you need to get more familiar with this traditional Highland dress, we've listed the important things to think about when buying men's kilts. Selecting a kilt should then be simple. Here is our simple buying guide for Kilts for Men. A kilt is a piece of clothing that resembles a skirt and is knee-length. It is often patterned in tartan and is made of worsted wool woven in a twill weave with tight pleats at the sides and back.

Kilt: What Is It?

A kilt is a knee-length garment that resembles a skirt that is fashioned from worsted wool and woven in a twill weave, with robust pleats at the sides and back. It is typically patterned in tartan. Originally from Scotland, men's Highland dress is connected with the big kilt, a full-length garment whose upper half could be worn as a cloak. It dates back to the 16th century. The mini kilt, also known as the contemporaneous kilt, first appeared in the 18th century and is essentially the big kilt's little form. Since the 19th century, it has been associated with the wider culture of Scotland and, more broadly, with Gaelic or Celtic origin.


This is the unpleated, overlapped front of the kilt.

The cloth has a fold sewn over it. This is what the backs of most kilts are composed of.

Wearing a little kilt, also known as a Philbeg or strolling kilt, entails covering your lower body from your waist to your knees. This is the most popular men's kilt.

Fantastic kilt
A full-length men's kilt that can be draped around the upper body

Kilt Straps
These buckle at the side to secure the kilt.

Kilt Pin A decorative item used on the front layer of the apron that does not keep the flap closed

A skin purse with the fur or hair left on, traditionally worn in the front of men's kilts. Additionally, there are more modern leather purses.


The tartan pattern on a kilt is called a sett. This is related to the weave pattern, weight, color scheme, and number of threads. Since most setts are owned by a clan, there are social norms around who is permitted to wear them even if there are no formal trademark restrictions. If you do not know your clan tartan, try searching for your ancestry using a search tool such as House Of Tartan.

Simply input your surname to find out which clan you belong to and, thus, what tartan sett to pair with your men's kilt. 

Try looking up your mother's and grandmother's maiden names to see if you have any connections if you are not directly related to any clans. Black Watch, Caledonian, Hunting Stewart, and Jacobite tartans are examples of global tartans.


A proper men's kilt is a tailored piece like an interview suit or a good black tie. Off-the-rack or inexpensive kilts are not stylish and do not accommodate appropriate sizing. This could cause the kilt to fall below your knee, which would be extremely unflattering. Many of our men's kilts are handmade to ensure the perfect fit. 

You will frequently wear your kilt in front of people who are familiar with men's kilts, as well as at events and get-togethers. A shoddy kilt will be immediately apparent and looked down upon. 

You'll need to know your measurements for your hips, waist, and maybe your rise, or the distance from your waist to your crotch. This will ensure that you respect tradition and keep style when wearing your custom-made men's kilt traditionally.


Don't forget the essential accessories when preparing for a formal event. A waistcoat, shirt, tie, jacket, hose, or knee socks look great with men's kilts.

To complete the look, add a sporran, a kilt pin, and Ghillie brogues, a specific type of shoe. To make it seem authentic, you may also include:

A sgian dubh is a little ceremonial knife that is worn with the hose half concealed, revealing only the hilt. Another option is sock flashes, which are little bits of plaid attached to the hose and meant to match the tartan on your kilt. These are the requirements for formal kilt wear; casual kilts, such as men's leather or utility kilts, are free to be worn with any ordinary daytime outfit and are not subject to any rules or norms. Before choosing, take a look at our extensive collection of men's kilts, tartans, materials, and cuts.

Exploring the Stylish Appeal of Leather Kilts 

In the realm of alternative fashion, Leather Kilts have emerged as a bold and contemporary take on the traditional Scottish garment. Blending the classic silhouette of kilts with the rugged and versatile charm of leather, these garments exude a distinctive style that resonates with individuals seeking a unique and edgy look.


A kilt is a skirt-like garment that falls below the knees, typically adorned with tartan patterns and composed of worsted wool woven in a twill weave with strong pleats at the sides and back. Known as the large kilt at one point, this 16th-century full-length garment with an upper part that could be worn as a cloak is connected to men's Highland attire in Scotland. The mini kilt—a modern kilt, essentially—emerged in the 18th century as the diminutive form of the huge kilt. Since the 19th century, it has been connected to the wider culture of Scotland and, more broadly, to a lineage that is Gaelic or Celtic.